Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Weight Loss Tips To Lose The Weight - Read The Proven Tips

My first weight loss tip to lose weight may sound simple and some might say stupid, however please just think about it for a minute. The next time you open your mouth to put something into it, just have a look at what it is, and ask yourself this one simple question. Does this contain sugar? If the answer to that is yes, then please don't eat it and go and look for something else. If you want those flabby arms, thighs and a wobbly bottom then sugar will almost guarantee that. if you like the thought of a tummy poking out over your jeans then have a few lattes and watch the results. Remember my one golden rule, sugar in belly comes out!

Ordinary fruit is tasty and there is a huge variety of it and that is my second weight loss tip to lose the weight from those areas of your body, that seem hell bent on storing fat. It is amazing what a difference that made to me. Think just for a moment about the variety of fruit available, apples, pears, bananas, peaches, plums, grapes, oranges, mandarins, grapefruit and then what you can actually do with them. You can chop them up and mix them with natural juices such as lemon and limes which contain great vitamins and make it into a tasty fruit salad for breakfast.

They also cheer up those dull cereal breakfasts if chopped into pieces and dropped in. They go great with a salad and work well as snacks if put into a simple container to keep them fresh. They can be blended to make proper tasting drinks which I now love amd experimenting with flavour is great fun, by adding a few sprigs of mint or any other herbs that you like.

My third weight loss tip to lose the weight is no matter what you put into your body, then you have to burn off a certain amont of that. Your body does need a certain amount of fat to survive so you don't have to get rid of it all, but you still need to have some type of exercise routine happening. I get angry when people say you need to do an hour a day at the gym if you want to do this right. That quite frankly is a load of nonsense. You can start with ten minutes a day and only ever need to build this up to thirty minutes a day to stay in great shape. You are not going to enter the Olympics so you don't need a gym, gym equipment or a whole lot of gadgets.

I work out in my garage with nothing more than a stool and two bottles of water. I first go for a fifteen minute jog or run after loosening up, and then spend ten minutes on cardio and five minutes on toning. That is it and it is a great weight loss tip to lose the weight from all over your body. The jog is simply a loosening exercise and will create a mild sweat and is great for burning off calories and increasing the heart rate and lung capacity. If you are too embarassed to go outside and run then just run on the spot in the house. It's a bit more boring but does the same job.

My ten minute cardio is nothing more than two minutes skipping, some quick sets of ten metre sprints, doing fifty steps up onto an old stool about a foot high and another quick one minute skip at the end. I spend my last five minutes cooling down and stretching by doing some push ups against the wall and using the two bottles of water as weights to do some work on my arms. You can find a ton of variations when doing this to work the bottom and thighs as well. All free, readily available and highly effective.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my article on great weight loss tips to lose the weight.

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