Saturday, July 2, 2011

3 Helpful Weight Loss Tips

The following 3 helpful weight loss tips can really help you make an impact on your weight loss program. Just follow these 3 helpful weight loss tips and I am sure you will be successful. The first of my 3 helpful weight loss tips is what to do before you eat a meal.

1 Drink a glass of water before each meal
Drinking a glass of water before a meal is the first of the 3 helpful weight loss tips. By drinking a glass of water before a meal it will help you to feel fuller quicker, this will decrease your feeling of being hungry. By drinking plenty of water it also flushes out certain toxins in your body. It will only take you a few days to get used to doing this before each meal.

2 Eat more meals per day
Eating 5 smaller meals rather than the usual 3 meals per day, means that you will constantly be topping up on food rather than letting your self become very hungry. It is when we feel very hungry that we are more likely to break the diet by reaching for the biscuit tin.
Another great tip is make sure you only go shopping after you have just eaten, that way you are less likely to load the shopping basket up with all the wrong foods you shouldn't be eating.

3 Exercise.
This is probably the most important of the 3 helpful weight loss tips I can give you, exercise is important; you need to do at least 10 minutes of strenuous exercise everyday to start with. If you have not exercised for many years start off by taking a brisk 10 minute walk each day. You can slowly increase this until you reach 30 minutes per day.

It is recommended that you need 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity each day to stay healthy. Also try adding weight-bearing exercises at least 2 times a week. This will help burn some of the unwanted calories. The added bonus is that you will help to increase your metabolism so that even when you stop exercising your body will still be burning calories much quicker than it was before.

Following these 3 helpful weight loss tips will make your weight loss easier. If you follow a natural healthy eating plan you will not go far wrong. If you are someone that needs a more structured plan to follow there are many weight loss programs on the internet to choose from.

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