Friday, July 29, 2011

Top 5 Weight Loss Tips and Guides For Teenagers

Weight loss tips and guides abound in magazines as well as in television and internet locations.

Eat Healthy

If there was only a few weight loss tips and guides available for teenagers and others, the most important one would surely be to eat healthy. Check the intake of things like fat, protein, sugar and caffeinated foods in order to improve your overall health and help you in your drive to lose a few pounds for a special occasion. In fact, if you make a conscious effort to always eat healthfully, you may find that you no longer need to go on endless diets. Instead, you will maintain your desired weight within a few pounds of what is appropriate for your height and body type.


Walking more is one of the best weight loss tips for teenagers. In fact, just as for adults, movement--active enough to get the heart rate up and the blood flowing. Because adolescents are normally functioning at a more efficient rate from a metabolic standpoint, sometimes it doesn't take as much effort to kick the metabolism into a higher gear as it would for an adult. Even a few minutes walk two or three times a week will provide overall improvement in general health as well as better oxygenation of the blood, and will firm and tone the muscles.

Avoid Fast Foods

One of the least popular weight loss tips for teenagers, in fact for all of us is the recommendation to avoid fast foods. Fast foods are often a significant part of the normal diet of Americans and these foods are often high in fats as well as calories. Replacing a double bacon cheeseburger with a grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread will change the number of fat grams consumed by a significant amount and be better for your heart as well. If you can't avoid fast foods as a teenager, at least choose those that are more healthful than others.

Participate in activities

Weight loss tips, whether for teenagers or adults almost always include the recommendation to increase the expenditure of energy in order to burn more calories. Teenagers can do so by ramping up the sports activities and doing more high energy activities such as roller blading, dancing and similar pursuits. Increasing the activity level alone will result in more calories expended, even if the food intake level doesn't change. Using both techniques will be doubly effective. Making more sensible food choices adds yet another dimension to effective weight loss.

Avoid Sugar

Sugars, both refined and natural are often used by teenagers in order to provide energy for the many activities in which they participate on a daily basis. However, in order to lose weight or at least to control weight, it is important to avoid the intake of large quantities of refined sugars such as those typically found in candy, ice cream and other products. Taking advantage of the variety of weight loss tips will help the modern adolescent maintain the ideal weight levels throughout later life as well. Choose wisely as a teenager and your later weight control issues will be lessened or nonexistent.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Easy to Follow Weight Loss Tips

Due to the high demand in work, productivity and more importantly, time, people have started to neglect staying healthy and working out. The effect, more and more people are becoming large, out of shape, fat and obese. This is a serious issue and being overweight is something that no one should take lightly. It can cause numerous illnesses that are life threatening. Is there a solution? Can something be done about this? Here are some easy to follow weight loss tips that can achieve results and provide an answer to the growing question of obesity.

First thing to remember in this easy to follow weight loss tips is that diet and exercise is still the key to become healthy. Due to the high demand in weight loss methods, a lot of products came out promising that you can achieve a meaner and leaner you in no time and effort at all. But, if you will notice these products usually have the tag line that says "with the proper diet and regular exercise..." Fact is the right diet and exercise is all you need to be fit and healthy. Remember this easy to follow weight loss tips and you can still achieve Easy to Follow Weight Loss Tips
your goals without such products.

The first step in this easy to follow weight loss tips is to take a picture of yourself. This would serve as your motivation and to show an illustration of your progress. Think of it as a before and after picture in those cheesy infomercials. Next, learn to read food labels. They are there for a reason, so you know what you are taking in. Calories, fats, sugar, etc. This would help you monitor your diet. Also, keep a journal or a food diary to list down what you eat every meal complete with the ingredients and nutrition facts and you can have a professional dietician evaluate your diet.

Next step in this easy to follow weight loss tips is to tell everyone, go public, tell your family. This would give you more motivation and support as you change your lifestyle. They may accidentally ruin your progress if they don't know what you're doing. Then, you must identify what exercise you would want to do. You don't necessarily have to go to a gym, all you need is consistency in doing physical activity at least an hour a day. It could be running in the park, cycling around town or any other physical activity you may like. It is important that you want to do it to make sure that you will exercise routinely and regularly.

Last, remember to steer clear of too much fattening food products and stick with your routine. It is a lifestyle change to avoid just regaining all the weight you worked so hard to lose. Losing weight does not need to be expensive and it is certainly not an overnight process. This easy to follow weight loss tips would give you a good start to change into a new you.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

7 Tips For Long Term Weight Management

Obesity is now recognised as a disease in the United States which leads to many health complications. You can prevent this from occurring by taking control today and learning how to shed those extra pounds from the advice of others!

Obesity is defined by many practitioners as 20% above normal weight. To this end the first thing you would need to do is find out what your ideal healthy weight range should be. There are many BMI Body Mass Index calculators freely available on the internet and your BMI is created from a calculation of your weight and height.

Weight loss is all about persistence and using systematic changes to your lifestyle. Here are some weight loss tips that are practical and can be followed with ease. By making these small adjustments to your eating patterns you will be working towards a healthier more toned body.

1. Make breakfast a healthy habit for easy weight loss. Apart from getting your metabolism going for the day, it is also a proven fact that people that miss breakfast are less inclined to maintain a healthy weight.

2. Start your meals times with soup, fruit or salad so that when the main meal is served, you won't feel like eating as much. Eating enough of the right kinds of foods will not only keep you feeling full, but also ensure that your metabolism is running at its highest potential.

3. Adding additional fruit and vegetables to your diet provides you with plenty of energy giving vitamins and minerals. In addition to this, they provide extra fibre plus fluid to help speed the movement of food through your bowels. I have found Smoothies to be a great way to quickly add several servings of fresh fruit to my daily menu.

4. Portion control - Your brain will only register that it is full about 20 minutes after you have eaten. With this in mind we suggest a smaller helping after which you should wait a while. Eating slowly will give your brain time to catch up with your stomach and will help to avoid overeating. Often at this point you will find that you are no longer hungry. Some people find using a smaller plate to be beneficial although it is probably more psychological than anything else.

5. Remember that not all people are geared to eat three meals a day. Some actually do better on five or six small meals per day. Weight loss is about finding out what works for YOU. Healthy habits should be flexible and you should be comfortable with your weight loss plan in order for you to follow it with confidence. Small, healthful meals throughout the day do help to ward off snack attacks.

6. Do keep a food diary - This is highly recommended by health and nutrition professionals as the first step towards sensible weight management. You will find that by keeping an HONEST food diary for at least 10 days you will clearly begin to see bad patterns forming. Often you will see triggers for your snacking, they could be stress related or you could find that you are more inclined to have a snack whilst watching TV. By knowing what these triggers are, you will be better able to avoid or handle them.

7. Consider getting yourself a calorie counter. They are fantastic tools that help you look up calorie, carb information for many food items for different restaurants and brands. They offer nutrient information for exact serving sizes that you may eat, they allow you to set easy weight loss goals and track progress. As you become aware of what you are eating you will find yourself looking at the many lower calorie count products that are available.

Weight loss becomes an art when we include our minds into the formula. These seven simple weight loss tips will make it easy for you to lose weight not only in the short term, but to keep the weight off for life.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ten Weight Loss Tips That Work

Losing weight is not instantaneous. It takes time and patience. The good news is it is very achievable for ANYBODY, so long as you have 3 things: Motivation, Education, and a Diet plan. You have come to the right place to improve your education. These ten weight loss tips contain no myths, and will be very helpful to anyone who has the motivation to look great, and feel healthy. You can look at these ten weight loss tips as the short version of everything you need to know.

Top Ten Weight Loss Tips

1. Don't eat 3 meals a day... eat 5! Eating 5 small meals as oppose to 3 big meals will keep your metabolism rolling throughout the entire day.

2. Diet is more important than exercise. Exercise will help, but it isn't as crucial as diet. Going on a short jog, or even walk each day is just fine. The key is don't overexert yourself.

3. Eat Slowly! Concentrate on your food, that will help. Try to take 15-20 minutes to eat, depending on the size of your meal. This will help you to not eat after your body is already full.

4. Have a light dinner. Our bodies naturally have a high metabolism in the morning and afternoon, then they gradually slow down as bedtime approaches. This means that your last meal should absolutely be your lightest.

5. Myth buster: You can NOT lose weight in target areas like your stomach or chin. Your weight will come off in the reverse order that it was put on. Nothing will offset this effect.

6. Don't starve yourself. If you are hungry, then eat something. Trying to force yourself through hunger brings your metabolism to a screeching halt, and then the next time that you do eat, oh boy.

7. When exercising, try to keep it aerobic. This means more things like jogging and jump rope and less things like weight lifting and push ups. (I'm not saying muscle building doesn't help, but aerobics help more, so it is more worth your time.)

8. Stay hydrated. A huge problem in overweight Americans is that we develop a quality where we mistake thirst for hunger. If you feel hungry, but you ate very recently, drink a full glass of water first and see how you feel.

9. Don't fall for easy shortcuts. There is no magic pill, and there is no magic diet where you can lose weight eating junk. We all waste money on gimmicks like these because we so badly want to believe that they exist, but I can assure you they don't.

10. Accept the previous nine tips as a part of your daily life. Losing weight is a lifestyle change, not a temporary change. But this doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to all the foods you love! Heck, I'm eating jellybeans as I write this. Does that make me a hypocrite? Absolutely not, because moderation is key. The next time I eat candy will probably be next week.

Now, if you have that burning desire to change the way you look and feel, even if it means a full lifestyle change, then congratulate yourself because you are the type of person who will achieve success. But you are still going to need some guidance. There is nothing quite worse than giving something your full effort just to find out that you weren't doing what you were supposed to!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Best Simple Weight Loss Tips

Many people in the world are trying to losing weight, but only few people succeeded with easily. If you fall under the kind of people who are at a loss as to how to go about losing weight easily, then you most likely are looking for an simple weight loss strategy. The greatest way to get this is by following a few tips that can make losing weight much easier than it is for youImmediatelyely. Although it is not an actual strategy, these tips can be implemented into All weight loss strategy you are using.

Perhaps the greatest simple weight loss tip everybody can use is to drink more water. There are Somesons why this is so crucial for people who desire to lose weight. The first reason is because it helps jumpstart and keep up your metabolism. As everyone who has tried to lose weight before knows, a fast metabolism is the answer to losing weight. More reason why it is so crucial to drink water while dieting is because the majority people mistake thirst for hunger. The next time you feel hungry you must try drinking a glass or two of water instead.

Another good easy weight loss tip to use is to get about seven hours of sleep each night. The logic for this is because it helps with your metabolism. If you are not getting enough sleep, your body's metabolism cannot function well, so you are not able to lose the weight you must be losing. Another good tip is to eat on smaller plates. Although this might sound ridiculous, it truly works. So many people automatically have a need to eat everything on their plates. If you make your plate smaller, then as a result your servings will be slighter. You really just are fooling your mind with this tip.

If you still are looking for more simple weight loss tips, you can try walking or exercising before your meals. If you follow this tip, it is important to make sure you eat within half an hour after your workout has ended. This is when your metabolism is at its highest, so you will be able to burn off your food more rapidly. Losing weight does not have to be hard if you follow these cool tips. In no time you will be on your way to a healthier you.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

3 Helpful Weight Loss Tips

The following 3 helpful weight loss tips can really help you make an impact on your weight loss program. Just follow these 3 helpful weight loss tips and I am sure you will be successful. The first of my 3 helpful weight loss tips is what to do before you eat a meal.

1 Drink a glass of water before each meal
Drinking a glass of water before a meal is the first of the 3 helpful weight loss tips. By drinking a glass of water before a meal it will help you to feel fuller quicker, this will decrease your feeling of being hungry. By drinking plenty of water it also flushes out certain toxins in your body. It will only take you a few days to get used to doing this before each meal.

2 Eat more meals per day
Eating 5 smaller meals rather than the usual 3 meals per day, means that you will constantly be topping up on food rather than letting your self become very hungry. It is when we feel very hungry that we are more likely to break the diet by reaching for the biscuit tin.
Another great tip is make sure you only go shopping after you have just eaten, that way you are less likely to load the shopping basket up with all the wrong foods you shouldn't be eating.

3 Exercise.
This is probably the most important of the 3 helpful weight loss tips I can give you, exercise is important; you need to do at least 10 minutes of strenuous exercise everyday to start with. If you have not exercised for many years start off by taking a brisk 10 minute walk each day. You can slowly increase this until you reach 30 minutes per day.

It is recommended that you need 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity each day to stay healthy. Also try adding weight-bearing exercises at least 2 times a week. This will help burn some of the unwanted calories. The added bonus is that you will help to increase your metabolism so that even when you stop exercising your body will still be burning calories much quicker than it was before.

Following these 3 helpful weight loss tips will make your weight loss easier. If you follow a natural healthy eating plan you will not go far wrong. If you are someone that needs a more structured plan to follow there are many weight loss programs on the internet to choose from.